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Corporation Staff

Mission Statement

The Shoals Community School Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Corporation, exists to meet the individual education needs of the children of the community by providing a program to develop the skills necessary to earn a living and to enjoy a high quality of life. The Corporation shall develop and maintain a standard of excellence in its education program and maintain a high level of expectation ensuring each student receives the best education possible, within the financial constraints of the Board of School Trustees.

It is the policy of the Shoals Community School Corporation not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or handicap in its educational programs or employment policies.

Title IX, Title VI and Section 504 Policy

Shoals Community School Corporation is committed to equal opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, handicapping conditions, or natural origin including limited English proficiency, in any employment opportunity. No person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination on such basis under any educational program or student activity.

If you have experienced discrimination in such educational programs or activities, written inquiries about procedures that are available and for consideration of complaints alleging such discrimination should be directed to the Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator who is Kindra Hovis, Shoals Community School Corporation, 11741 Ironton Road, Shoals, IN 47581, Phone 812-247-2060. Kindra Hovis is also the Title IX Coordinator.

The Section 504 Coordinator for grades 7-12 is Myrna Greene, Shoals School Corporation, 11741 Ironton Road, Shoals, IN 47581, Phone 812-247-2060.

The Shoals Community School Corporation is committed to maintaining school grounds and facilities in a way that promotes good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) for all students, staff, and visitors. Coordinator: Kindra Hovis, 11741 Ironton Road, Shoals IN 47581 812-247-2060